Course Description

Home euthanasia has a very different feeling to it than the hospital setting. There are more variables like location, who is present, distractions, and troubleshooting without the support of the full veterinary team. It requires greater flexibility, time management, and client communication skills. This module will outline the top 10 unique components to home euthanasia and help our students build confidence in providing it. 1 CE credit provided following brief quiz and survey.

Course curriculum

    1. Home Euthanasia

    2. End of Module Quiz

    3. End of Module Survey

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


CHPV, CPEV, DACAW resident Dr. Kathleen Cooney

Dr. Kathleen Cooney has been practicing advanced end-of-life care since 2006. She is the founder and Senior Director of Medical Education for the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA). Dr. Cooney is well known for her work in companion animal euthanasia and is an author and international speaker on the subject. She is a strong advocate for best practices in all aspects of end-of-life care and loves all things old and gray.

Get Started Now

Dedicate yourself to excellence in your own euthanasia practices.